Escudo de la República de Colombia

Component Food Security and Nutrition

El componente busca contribuir al mejoramiento de la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional  (SAN) en las comunidades nativas (indígenas y campesinas) del departamento  de Nariño en los municipios de Tuquerres, Guachucal, This component aims to contribute to the improvement of the Food and Nutrition Security (SAN) in native communities (indigenous and peasant) of the department of Nariño, in the municipalities of Tuquerres, Guachucal, Carlosama, and the rural area of Pasto; in their specific objectives include characterization of the intake and the pattern of household consumption, determining the nutritional status of children under 12, as measured by anthropometry, through making weight and height, and the approach to measuring household food insecurity, using the first five ELCSA questions, which measures perceptions of food insecurity of households from access.
In this component a qualitative approach to collect traditional practices around the home garden or chagra, and ancestral preparations and traditional uses of food are also performed and a clinical study that seeks to establish relationship in yellow potato consumption and enhanced plasma iron level in children 2 to 5 years, in programs of institutional care by ICBF, in the interest of generating results to support the use of improved species as alternatives to improve the diet of the native people, who are interested in the project. 

Project Sponsors: